Valentina ha realizzato il make-up di Medea iniziando da una base chiarissima, e applicando sugli zigomi un blush in crema di Mac nei toni tra il bordeaux e il marrone, per enfatizzare l’aspetto della durezza del carattere del personaggio. Sugli occhi ha realizzato uno smokey eyes accentuato verso l’interno dell’occhio. Mentre lo smokey eyes tradizionale si caratterizza per una ombreggiatura che tende verso l’esterno dell’occhio, Valentina ha qui voluto invece dare enfasi all’interno dell’occhio disegnando un’ombra ben definita nell’incavo tra naso e occhio, in modo da rendere più cupo lo sguardo di Medea. Abbiamo voluto sottolineare in questo modo l’irrazionalità e il conflitto interiore vissuto dal personaggio. Le sopracciglia sono state di proposito ridesegnate con la curvatura verso il basso proprio per evidenziare la tristezza della donna. Abbiamo scelto come scatto beauty un sorriso…nonostante tutto l’impegno emotivo che questo shooting ci è costato, ci siamo divertiti molto!
Valentina has applied the make-up on Medea’s face. She has started off the make-up with a light base. Thus she has applied on the cheekbones a cream blusher by Mac, with shades ranging from burgundy to brown in order to emphasize her toughness and strong character at the same time. The eyes make-up shows a smokey eye effect which the make-up artist has accentuated inward, and therefore mostly in the area of the eye which is close to the nose. While the traditional smokey eye technique is characterized by a shading that goes outward toward the corner of the eye, in this case Valentina has purposely emphasised the part of the eye close to the nose starting from the outer corner and bringing it inward. She has drawn a very defined shadow in the hollow area between the eye and the nose in order to make Medea’s look even grimmer. The make-up has been applied in such a way as to underline the character’s irrationality as well as the inner emotional conflict she went through. In this respect, the eyelashes have been purposely redrawn with the arch curving downward to highlight women’s sadness. As for the beauty shot, we have gone for a smile… all in all, despite all the effort we put into this shooting, we have enjoyed it very much.
Photo by Nils Rossi
Make-up by Valentina Marchetti
Translation by Chris Alborghetti