Florianna ha iniziato il make-up da un’accurata skincare, pulendo il viso e applicando un’idratante non grasso. Ha steso il fondotinta di Lord&Berry, mescolando diverse tonalità, per uniformare l’incarnato di Renata. Volendo creare un’immagine semplice, essenziale ma di impatto, Florianna ha valorizzato le labbra con un rossetto rosso intenso a lunga durata sempre di Lord&Berry e ha applicato sugli occhi il più  classico tocco di eye-liner. Gli zigomi sono stati caratterizzati da un illuminante di Lord&Berry unito ad un tocco di fard di Mac. Ha concluso il make-up applicando sulle ciglia, in maniera decisa, il mascara nero Alchimia High Performance di Lord&Berry.

Florianna started off the make-up carrying out an extremely accurate skincare. She cleansed the model’s face and moisturized it with a non greasy lotion. She mixed together different tones of foundation by Lord&Berry in order to homogenise Renata’s complexion. Since Florianna aimed at creating an image that was simple, essential and that made an impact at the same time, she emphasised the lips by applying a long-lasting vibrant red lipstick once again by Lord&Berry, while to the eyes she applied a classic touch of eyeliner. To the cheekbones was applied an iridescent powder always by Lord&Berry and a touch of blusher by Mac. To finish off the make-up Floriana applied freely to the model’s eyelashes Alchimia High Performance black mascara by Lord&Berry.

Model: Renata – Boom The Agency Model Management – Milan (Italy) 

Photo by Nils Rossi

Make-up by Florianna Cappucci

Translation by Chris Alborghetti

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